It is a bit hard to understand the scenario but I assume it's a
transparent proxy for port 80? right?
In any case what so ever squid 2.7 is old and preferably should not be
used in production unless there is a very specific need for it while
taking into account the advantages and disadvantages.
If you search via www.ask.com it should work on any version of squid
like it worked for me in the last who knows how many years.
The best start point would be to get couple lines from the access.log
and a description of the network infrastructure.
(consider to replace\remove any confidential information)
All The Bests,
Eliezer Croitoru
On 28/02/2015 05:18, johnzeng wrote:
Hi all :
i meet a problem ,Squid cannot currently deal with such connections (
non-HTTP connections ) based 80 port , and We get some error ,
Unsupported Request Method and Protocol'' for https URLs..
i search viawww.ask.com , but i don't good way .
if possible ,i hope to use squid 2.7 stable9 , Maybe it will be stable version untile now .
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