On 24/07/2014 10:46 a.m., Roman Gelfand wrote: > I am getting an error, below, when when attempting to bring up > http://ads.adfox.ru/173362/goLink?. > > How can I troubleshoot this? > <snip> > > This means that some aspect of the ICAP communication failed. > > Some possible problems are: > > The ICAP server is not reachable. > > An Illegal response was received from the ICAP server. > > > ________________________________ > > Generated Wed, 23 Jul 2014 22:53:21 GMT by websap.masmid.com (squid) > The ICAP server has bugs. If "websap.masmid.com" is your Squid server look at the ICAP protocol coming back from the ICAP server on these requests. That will require either "debug_options ALL,1 93,9" in squid.conf or a "tcdump -s0" traffic trace. Otherwise there is nothing you can do except report it to the administrator of "websap.masmid.com". Amos