On 03 Apr 2014, at 23:18, David Touzeau <david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 03 Apr 2014, at 22:59, David Touzeau <david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Dear all
I’m fighting with the squid 3.4x branch.
Since this branch is born the %>eui did not work any more.
I’m testing all Squid 3.4x builds and Squid is not able to detect MAC
Addresses and write in logs 00:00:00:00:00:00
The latest squid 3.3.1x works like a charme on MAC addresses and have not
his issue.
Is it a 3.4x branch limitation ?
If all else is equal (is it on the same system?) this sounds like a bug.
Yes francesco, i have tested on many systems, Debian 7/6, CentOS, SuSe
32/64 bits...
All results give to me the same issue:
Squid 3.3.12 report the correct MAC address on Transparent and normal
Squid 3.4.4 report 00:00:00:00:00:00
Re-tested the squid-3.4.4-20140323-r13111 since last hour...
I'm very surprised that the Squid team did not see this behavior.
I would like to say that is a misconfiguration from my side...
I wasn't clear about the condition I had: does the unexpected behaviour
happen on the same machine (not only same OS, but also same configuration,
same network layout, etc)? If so, it's most likely a bug. If the results see
are on different servers (even with the same OS) then a server difference is
the most likely cause.
We developers try our best to ensure that the quality is the best in all
parts of Squid; unfortunately we can't afford the effort to test each and
every feature on each OS and each network layout. We rely on the user
community to notice and pinpoint as much as possible those issues; this
cooperation is what makes Squid (and F/OSS software in general) viable and -
in fact - so good.
Thanks Kinkie
You suggest to report this behavior to bugtrack ?