On 03 Apr 2014, at 22:59, David Touzeau <david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Dear all
I’m fighting with the squid 3.4x branch.
Since this branch is born the %>eui did not work any more.
I’m testing all Squid 3.4x builds and Squid is not able to detect MAC
Addresses and write in logs 00:00:00:00:00:00
The latest squid 3.3.1x works like a charme on MAC addresses and have not
his issue.
Is it a 3.4x branch limitation ?
If all else is equal (is it on the same system?) this sounds like a bug.
Yes francesco, i have tested on many systems, Debian 7/6, CentOS, SuSe 32/64
All results give to me the same issue:
Squid 3.3.12 report the correct MAC address on Transparent and normal mode.
Squid 3.4.4 report 00:00:00:00:00:00
Re-tested the squid-3.4.4-20140323-r13111 since last hour...
I'm very surprised that the Squid team did not see this behavior.
I would like to say that is a misconfiguration from my side...