Hang like stuck hang or non responsive like cannot even run a command?
Note that a network issue can might cause this problem while a basic
access to the cache-mgr interface can verify if the whole machine is
stuck or some queries are getting hang.
Also since the cache-mgr is based on memory only information which is
text.. It can reflect some nice indications before running to look for
other things.
What do you mean by rock grow??
The basic structure is that it has fixed size with "slots" that will be
filled later.
Do you refer to that the objects flowing into the cache and stored\fetched?
It can be but it depends also on RAM USAGE.
I would not tell you to try and see what happens when using less RAM for
squid but you should indeed consider one thing:
The disk cache should have in a way relation to the disk bandwidth and
the network traffic.
The next release of the CentOS RPM is cooking right now so I would try
to add more about rock in it.
On 01/12/13 13:26, Dr.x wrote:
hi ,
does rock memory needs as same as aufs rule ?
does 14 M for 64 bits needed for 1G storage of type rock ???
or more ??
i had some hang in squid after about 7 days of working fine , and not sure
of the grow of my rock hardsisk is the reason or not .