I've found a problem with selecting a parent cache if the request is an IP address. Tested with various versions including 3.3.10. Example config fragment is below: cache_peer parent 3128 0 no-query no-digest default name=prox1 cache_peer parent 3128 0 no-query no-digest name=prox2 never_direct allow all acl domlist dstdomain -n .bbc.co.uk cache_peer_access prox1 deny domlist cache_peer_access prox2 allow domlist cache_peer_access prox1 allow all cache_peer_access prox2 deny all Idea is that the parent cache will be selected on the basis of dstdomain. However, if the request is for, say, HIER_NONE is returned. Selection works as expected if a domain is given. Edited access log entries below: TCP_MISS/500 1716 GET - HIER_NONE/- text/html TCP_MISS/200 56303 GET http://www.cam.ac.uk/ - FIRSTUP_PARENT/ text/html TCP_MISS/200 126090 GET http://www.bbc.co.uk/ - FIRSTUP_PARENT/ text/html Problem appears to be that IP address URLs bypass the 'all' acl checks. Non-working parent selection: Acl.cc(336) matches: ACLList::matches: checking domlist Acl.cc(319) checklistMatches: ACL::checklistMatches: checking 'domlist' DomainData.cc(131) match: aclMatchDomainList: checking '' DomainData.cc(135) match: aclMatchDomainList: '' NOT found ipcache.cc(960) ipcacheCheckNumeric: ipcacheCheckNumeric: HIT_BYPASS for '' == fqdncache.cc(540) fqdncache_nbgethostbyaddr: fqdncache_nbgethostbyaddr: Name ''. fqdncache.cc(578) fqdncache_nbgethostbyaddr: fqdncache_nbgethostbyaddr: MISS for '' dns_internal.cc(1769) idnsPTRLookup: idnsPTRLookup: buf is 46 bytes for, id = 0x6f78 comm.cc(1197) comm_udp_sendto: comm_udp_sendto: Attempt to send UDP packet to using FD 7 using Port 64333 DestinationDomain.cc(109) match: aclMatchAcl: Can't yet compare 'domlist' ACL for '' Acl.cc(346) matches: domlist needs async lookup Acl.cc(354) matches: domlist result is false neighbors.cc(299) getFirstUpParent: getFirstUpParent: returning NULL Working parent selection: Acl.cc(336) matches: ACLList::matches: checking domlist Acl.cc(319) checklistMatches: ACL::checklistMatches: checking 'domlist' DomainData.cc(131) match: aclMatchDomainList: checking 'www.cam.ac.uk' DomainData.cc(135) match: aclMatchDomainList: 'www.cam.ac.uk' NOT found Acl.cc(349) matches: domlist mismatched. Acl.cc(354) matches: domlist result is false Acl.cc(336) matches: ACLList::matches: checking all Acl.cc(319) checklistMatches: ACL::checklistMatches: checking 'all' Ip.cc(134) aclIpAddrNetworkCompare: aclIpAddrNetworkCompare: compare:[::] ([::]:57674) vs [::]-[::]/[::] Ip.cc(560) match: aclIpMatchIp: '' found Acl.cc(340) matches: all matched. Acl.cc(354) matches: all result is true neighbors.cc(1143) neighborUp: neighborUp: UP (no-query): ( neighbors.cc(299) getFirstUpParent: getFirstUpParent: returning peer_select.cc(702) peerGetSomeParent: peerSelect: FIRSTUP_PARENT/ peer_select.cc(935) peerAddFwdServer: peerAddFwdServer: adding FIRSTUP_PARENT -- Stephen