I have seen it in the past.
I remember that some android application violated the HTTP request line
protocol which I think is a programmer mistake to understand how the
protocol works.
Since the Other side responded nicely to the request which was a
violation of the RFC and the basic concept of the protocol it might have
been designed by the same developer.
It is hard to determine if the android OS is causing it or the software
I assume that the OS as linux based kernel would not touch this level.
Since there are couple basic applications on android OS I would have
tried to access basic web services such as some static content site
using chrome or firefox.
you can use my server as a target: http://www2.ngtech.co.il/
The android "market" or "Google Play" might want to get things in their
own way so there might be something in it that will prevent the access
throw a proxy to prevent Attacks on the devices.
In a case that this the reason I would try to look at a tcpdump on the
proxy to understand if there is something that can be seen on the
request format or requests sequence.
On 15/11/13 03:55, Amos Jeffries wrote:
It would seem so from this evidence. It is too new a problem to say
exactly what though.