I am looking at the logs and see that each and every request was served
to the client..
it is even saying that the captcha object is imgae/png mime type.
What browser are you using?
and remove any firewall P2P or any other thing that can block the data
from being transfered from the proxy to the client.
Also what "squid -v" output is?
it seems like you have some squid.conf settings which was applied in 2.7
and are better removed in 3.X.
I would also change this line:
refresh_pattern -i \.(deb|rpm|exe|zip|tar|tgz|ram|rar|bin|ppt|doc|tiff)$
10080 90% 43200 override-expire ignore-no-cache ignore-no-store
removing the "ignore-no-store" or splitting this rule in a way that the
files such as deb and rpm tar tgz would be affected by some pretty wrong
About the other extensions I would not say a word.
On 11/11/2013 03:22 PM, emerson.carpes wrote:
1384173759.292 833 TCP_MISS/302 647 GET
http://www.bj2.me/ - DIRECT/ text/html
1384173759.570 269 TCP_MISS/200 1609 GET
http://www.bj2.me/login.php - DIRECT/ text/html
1384173760.014 382 TCP_MISS/200 12633 GET
http://www.bj2.me/functions/simple-php-captcha.php? -
DIRECT/ image/png