On 10/13/2013 08:15 PM, calode wrote:
Eliezer ,
you are absolutely right it matched refreshCheck: Matched '<none> 0 20%%
but I got a MISS/200 again : TCP_MISS/200 14169 GET
OK so there is a need to ignore no-cache and no-reload etc.
I am not sure if you are getting MISS/304 on your side , and I didn't really
understand if you got anything
from the previous logs !? .
304 is a request from the client to validate that the cached object in
the browser cache (which was altered by squid) is the current object.
I means that if a file size is 30k or even more the only *on the wire*
data was the headers of the request and response which cannot be 30K(in
a real world scenario).
what do you mean (I have just seen something nice in the ETAG headers while
reading some
stuff. ) ? .
There is a revalidation by ETAG and there is a way to define a domain
specific ETAG using ICAP service..
like "all subdomains of .c.youtube.com has common ETAG and there for
revalidation can be done of ETAG is ok in a case of a subsomain like
you can try these settings:
refresh_pattern ^https?://(ytvid|youtube|ytimg)\.squid\.internal/.*
10080 80% 28800 override-expire ignore-reload ignore-private
ignore-must-revalidate ignore-reload ignore-no-store
with StoreID patterns
which sould be OK for you.
it gives HARD TCP_HIT for videos which I do think not really needed in
all cases.