On 13 October 2013 18:57, Amos Jeffries <squid3@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > On 13/10/2013 12:44 p.m., Eliezer Croitoru wrote: > > Interesting, but this is 2 years old and as you may be aware things are > moving quickly here at Squid. The list on page 3 seems not to be correct for > Squid either. The one under threaded is wrong. We call Squid > single-threaded, and event-driven software that is normal, but that is not > completely true and has not been since around 2003 when threaded storage No later than 1998 (possibly earlier, but I can't be bothered digging into the detail). Changes to squid-1.2.beta13 (Feb 4, 1998): ... - Completely rewritten aiops.c that creates and manages a pool of threads so thread creation overhead is eliminated (SLF). > The biggest problem Squid has to deal with that ATS does not (yet), is > legacy installations. Admin are installing new relatively freshly built ATS > and comparing against old Squid versions or Squid configured with nasty > hacks intended to solve long obsolete browser/server problems. Witness that > even Lief marked Squid as not supporting multiple threads in 2011 when cache > store threading was added early 2000's, and not allowing plugins when eCAP > was added in 2008 and add-on helpers supported since early 2000's as well > (but helpers are not thought of as "plugins" by some apparently). Changes to Squid-2.1 (November 16, 1998): ... - Moved functions common to dns.c, redirect.c, authenticate.c, ipcache.c, and fqdncache.c into helper.c. So also added no later than 1998 (and IIRC part of 1.x still). > It is simply that until the recent renaissance with OS upgrades many > administrators have been dealing with Squid-2.x releases - and many still > are unfortunately. Not to mention the squid.conf hacks often staying in > place long after they are useless or harmful. > > /sorry if that sounds like a rant. I know those reading this will mostly be > the converted. Preach it :) -Rob