On 15/09/2013 7:24 a.m., donald@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
I trying to use squid_ldap_auth with zimbra accounts but I?m having a
lot of troubles. Before, I use a line like this from shell to confirm
an OK auth against and LDAP server:
/usr/lib/squid3/squid_ldap_auth -v 3 -b dc=cpe,dc=com -D
cn=Manager,dc=cpe,dc=com -w bindpass -f uid=%s -h
But with zimbra not work for me, I?m not trying now to put in
squid.conf, I only need to confirm that the auth param works . . .
the major problem is that I don?t have a way to see the LDAP tree
because zimbra not install a tool like phpldapadmin to see e.g. the
DN to bind as to perform searches or the base dn under which to
search (I assume that is my domain dc=cpe,dc=com) . . . really I need
all possible help . . .
Worst case you can check login against the IMAP or POP3 interface of Zimbra.
Squid ships with a POP3 authenticator and there is a IMAP adaptation of
that available at http://www.quixotech.com/squid-imap-authenticator/