This could be ugly troubleshooting practice, but you can try to modify
your init script (or upstart job, not sure how exactly squid is being
started in ubuntu). The idea is to add 'ulimit -n >
/tmp/squid.descriptors' and see if the number is really 65k.
On 09/14/2013 09:41 AM, Mohsen Dehghani wrote:
I don't see any logic here. Are you sure your squid is started not by root?
Is replacing 'root' by 'squid' or '*' solves issue as well?
When I manually start service by root, there is no file descriptor warning
and squid works as normal.
But when the system boots up and starts the service automatically, squid
runs out of FD.
I've tested different the following settings without any luck. Every time
that the box reboots, I have to login and restart service manually.
root soft nofile 65000
root hard nofile 65000
proxy soft nofile 65000
proxy hard nofile 65000
squid soft nofile 65000
squid hard nofile 65000
* soft nofile 65000
* hard nofile 65000
It seems these settings only works if the user logins to system.
My squid user is "proxy"(I configured it at the time of compile).
Maybe some useful info:
OS:Ubuntu 12.04
# ulimit -n
# squidclient mgr:info | grep 'file descri'
Maximum number of file descriptors: 65536
Available number of file descriptors: 65527
Reserved number of file descriptors: 100