On 12/09/2013 10:51 p.m., Pavel Kazlenka wrote:
Hi gentlemen,
I'm trying to cache youtube videos following
http://wiki.squid-cache.org/Features/StoreID guide.
But seems like squid rejects to cache the content because original
server returns header 'Cache-control:private' and 'refresh pattern ...
ignore-private' doesn't take effect. Here is debug log entries that
are interesting here (I think):
2013/09/11 19:24:24.842 kid1| helper.cc(419) helperSubmit:
30082CA&ptk=youtube_none&pltype=contentugc - GET
myip= myport=3128
2013/09/11 19:24:24.843 kid1| helper.cc(919) helperHandleRead:
2013/09/11 19:24:24.843 kid1| store_dir.cc(786) get: none of 1
cache_dirs have 028E8844ECA93A634459175C8C0D463D
2013/09/11 19:24:24.843 kid1| store.cc(840) storeCreateEntry:
2013/09/11 19:24:25.032 kid1| http.cc(396) cacheableReply: NO because
server reply Cache-Control:private
My squid.conf:
acl rewritedoms dstdomain .c.youtube.com
store_id_program /home/tester/squid/libexec/storeid_file_rewrite
store_id_children 40 startup=10 idle=5 concurrency=0
store_id_access allow rewritedoms
store_id_access deny all
refresh_pattern ^http://video-srv\.youtube\.squid\.internal/.* 10080
80% 79900 override-lastmod override-expire ignore-reload
ignore-must-revalidate ignore-private
refresh_pattern ^ftp: 1440 20% 10080
refresh_pattern ^gopher: 1440 0% 1440
#refresh_pattern -i (/cgi-bin/|\?) 0 0% 0
refresh_pattern . 0 20% 4320
Squid version is squid-
So my questions are:
1) Am I right that refresh_pattern ... ignore-private should work here
and help to cache reply with CC:Private?
Yes the exact code is:
if ( Cache-Control is present AND contains "private" AND
ignore-private is *absent*)
display that "NO because server reply Cache-Control:private" message
2) Is there another (may be more correct) way to force squid to cache
replies with CC:Private?
There is no _correct_ way to abuse the RFC protocol standard. This
ignore-private explicitly forbidden behaviour for any cache shared by
more than 1 person.
It is officially only made available in Squid to allow single-person
installations to operate a proxy between multiple devices.
3) How can I check that 'refresh_pattern' config string is parsed
correctly and all options are remembered by squid?
To check it is parsed correctly use:
squid -k parse
To check what the running config is you can produce a config file dump
using the cache manager interface:
* ensure that you have a cachemgr_passwd (or "none") explicitly defined
for either the "config" or the "all" reports.
* ensure that your http_access rules involving "manager" ACL permit you
access to the proxy management interface.
* fetch http://example.com/squid-internal-mgr/config in your browser
The result should be a TXT format listing of all the squid.conf settings
(including the defaults) which Squid is using.