On 4/09/2013 5:31 p.m., Sachin Gupta wrote:
I came through quite a number of redirectors listed on the site:
However was not able to decide which one of these suits my requirement.
I will be having a list of URLs which need to be blocked written in a file and specified in the squid configuration file.
Also on blocking of the URL, the User should be displayed a custom page.
Please guide.
Alternatively; use an ACL blacklist to match requests, the deny_info
directive to do redirection to some URL when the blacklist ACL matches.
And configure your http_access rules to use the ACL as appropriate.
A proper *redirector* can be just as effective and more efficient on
managing the blacklist contents. Soem of them have flexible multi-type
access controls as well. But you do need to be careful that they are
doing a proper HTTP 30x redirection and not fakingit wit a url-rewrite.
URL re-write introduces a lot of troubles and nasty side effetcs due to
being a protocol violation.