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Re: Captive portal terminal server

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Hi Antony.

I have different acls that permit or deny access to urls. These acls apply to groups and users where they are identified by the ip/user you are logged in mysql. If multiple users log into the same station I will not be able to apply these acls.
Oliveiros Peixoto.

Em 27/06/2013 14:12, Antony Stone escreveu:
On Thursday 27 Jun 2013 at 19:06:45, Oliveiros Peixoto (Netinho) wrote:

Hello everyone!

I would like to clarify some issues with you. I need to set up a captive
portal for authentication of my users. I make this using External_acl
program that getting user and ip in mysql. The problem is that now I
have a windows server where multiple users use the terminal service and
using any browser for navigation making it impossible to authenticate a
user / ip. Does anyone have a solution for this problem?
Can't you just put:

userA / IPx
userB / IPx
userC / IPx

into the database, so that all the users are accepted as coming from the same

After all, what's the difference from a single PC where different users could
log on, but have the same IP address?


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