On 17/04/2013 8:19 p.m., anita wrote:
Hi All, I am using Squid 3.1.16. I had modified the request header in Squid to include: "Accept-Encoding: gzip". The request is also sent to the Apache server. The server seems to even compress the object and return with proper headers. But the squid seems to drop the "content-encoding" header. It also seems to drop the content-length header. I am not able to understand why Squid replaces the Content-Encoding header with something else and why it was marking as internal? These are my tcpdumps for the request and response from the Apache: Request sent to Apache (tcpdump) ---------------------------------- GET./compres s.html.HTTP/1.1. .User-Agent:.Wge t/1.12.(linux-gn u)..Accept:.*/*. .Host:.10.145.66 .205..Referer:.h ttp://10.145.66. 205/fetchcompres s.html..Accept-E ncoding:.gzip..V ia:.1.1.prefetch .net.(squid/3.1. 16)..X-Forwarded -For:.unknown..C ache-Control:.ma x-age=259200..Co nnection:.keep-a live.... Reply header as sent by Apache (tcpdump) HTTP/1.1.200 .OK..Date:.Wed,. 17.Apr.2013.02:1 3:13.GMT..Server :.Apache/2.2.15. (Red.Hat)..Last- Modified:.Wed,.1 7.Apr.2013.01:21 :00.GMT..ETag:." 1208df-282-4da84 4c80d89e"..Accep t-Ranges:.bytes. .Vary:.Accept-En coding..Content- Encoding:.gzip.. Content-Length:. 125..Connection: .close..Content- Type:.text/html; .charset=UTF-8.. Reply header (as given by Squid) after it receives data from Apache ----------------------------------------------------------------- HTTP/1.0 200 Internal marker object Server: squid/3.1.16 Mime-Version: 1.0 Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2013 07:16:30 GMT Content-Type: x-squid-internal/vary Expires: Thu, 18 Apr 2013 11:03:10 GMT Vary: Accept-Encoding
This is an internal object used by Squid to manage variant caching. It is telling Squid that future requests for this URL needs to be combined with the clients Accept-Encoding header to determine what object to return. With normal operation the Accept-Encoding sent to the server would be created by the client and the server response would be stored at the location the server request URL and Accept-Encoding headers.
I suspect that what is happening is that the client did not send any Accept-Encoding header. Which makes the client URL plus client Accept-Encoding header point back at this marker object instead of the intended serve response. Please confirm that by looking at the client request received by Squid.