Hi All, I am using Squid 3.1.16. I had modified the request header in Squid to include: "Accept-Encoding: gzip". The request is also sent to the Apache server. The server seems to even compress the object and return with proper headers. But the squid seems to drop the "content-encoding" header. It also seems to drop the content-length header. I am not able to understand why Squid replaces the Content-Encoding header with something else and why it was marking as internal? These are my tcpdumps for the request and response from the Apache: Request sent to Apache (tcpdump) ---------------------------------- GET./compres s.html.HTTP/1.1. .User-Agent:.Wge t/1.12.(linux-gn u)..Accept:.*/*. .Host:.10.145.66 .205..Referer:.h ttp://10.145.66. 205/fetchcompres s.html..Accept-E ncoding:.gzip..V ia:.1.1.prefetch .net.(squid/3.1. 16)..X-Forwarded -For:.unknown..C ache-Control:.ma x-age=259200..Co nnection:.keep-a live.... Reply header as sent by Apache (tcpdump) HTTP/1.1.200 .OK..Date:.Wed,. 17.Apr.2013.02:1 3:13.GMT..Server :.Apache/2.2.15. (Red.Hat)..Last- Modified:.Wed,.1 7.Apr.2013.01:21 :00.GMT..ETag:." 1208df-282-4da84 4c80d89e"..Accep t-Ranges:.bytes. .Vary:.Accept-En coding..Content- Encoding:.gzip.. Content-Length:. 125..Connection: .close..Content- Type:.text/html; .charset=UTF-8.. Reply header (as given by Squid) after it receives data from Apache ----------------------------------------------------------------- HTTP/1.0 200 Internal marker object Server: squid/3.1.16 Mime-Version: 1.0 Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2013 07:16:30 GMT Content-Type: x-squid-internal/vary Expires: Thu, 18 Apr 2013 11:03:10 GMT Vary: Accept-Encoding -- View this message in context: http://squid-web-proxy-cache.1019090.n4.nabble.com/Squid-behaviour-with-gzip-responses-from-origin-server-tp4659543.html Sent from the Squid - Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.