On 4/9/2013 10:46 PM, Duncan, Brian M. wrote:
Thanks for the reply and further clarification, I still believe the issue I am reporting is specific to DNS and how Squid's internal DNS resolver works. I forgot to mention if I bypass using the hostname in my test, and enter one of the resolved IP's instead of webapps.kattenlaw.com it is immediate. There is no delay in bringing the page up. I also tried another variation while testing today, I re-compiled Squid 3.2.9 with --disable-internal-dns and it has different behavior indicating even further that the problem lies within the internal resolver Squid 3.x uses.
I am not sure but I think it needs squid-dev report and check. Can you please report this bug at squid-dev or in bugzilla? http://bugs.squid-cache.org/ Thanks, Eliezer