On 21/03/2013 7:07 p.m., John Joseph wrote:
Hi All
I am using squid 3.1.10 on CentOS 6.4 64 bit OS.
I have configered squid.conf for "cache_dir" to cache_dir "/opt/var/spool/squid " .
by giving
"cache_dir ufs /opt/var/spool/squid 100 16 256"
As per the documentantion it means I am allowcating 100 MB of cache space. And I have /opt/ partiion free size of 600 GB
But when I restart the service I get warining message
WARNING cache_mem is larger than total disk cache space!
As others have said this happens when cache_mem > cache_dir.
The default example you have seen is for a version 2.4 to 3.0 Squid when
4MB cache_mem and 100MB disk cache was default. The current releases
have 256MB cache_mem and no disk by default. 256MB cache_mem > the
100MB demo config.
We leave the warning around because nobody can be bothered removing it
and it does prove kind of helpful when you hit 32-bit wrap on a badly
built Squid.
I should not be getting this message, because my cache space (ie /opt/var/spool/squid) has about 600 GB of free space.
But you only informed Squid with cache_dir that there was 100MB available.
I have searched the archive and did a google search, all most all the resource say I need to increas the cache space. Here I have 600 GB free space
I need guidance on why such message is coming when I restart the service
Disk space is not Cache space. Cache space of a disk is the amount of
that disk space which was allocated to Squid using cache_dir.