On 13/01/2013 4:58 p.m., stanley wrote:
I did the steps :
1:install libunwind lib. (version is : libunwind-1.1)
2:install google-perftools (version is : gperftools-2.0)
3:download squid-3.2.5.tar.gz & extract , then configure , then
configure how? with what command line?
modify /src/Makefile follow the article :
# vi src/Makefile
squid_LDADD = \
-L../lib \
-ltcmalloc_minimal \
data_DATA = \
LDADD = -L../lib -lmiscutil -lpthread -lm -ltcmalloc_minimal
i did not find the string " -L../lib \" .
please help me , how to do that . thank u very much .
You should not need to modify Makefiles manually at any point.
All you should need is:
./configure CXXFLAGS="-ltcmalloc_minimal" CFLAGS="-ltcmalloc_minimal"