2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| Starting Squid Cache version for x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu...
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| Process ID 10575
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| Process Roles: worker
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| With 49152 file descriptors available
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| Initializing IP Cache...
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| DNS Socket created at, FD 7
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| Adding nameserver from
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| Adding nameserver from
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| helperOpenServers: Starting 5/20 'helper-
mux.pl' processes
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| helperOpenServers: Starting 0/10
'basic_pam_auth' processes
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| helperOpenServers: No 'basic_pam_auth'
processes needed.
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| Logfile: opening log daemon:/logs/access.log
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| Logfile Daemon: opening log /logs/access.log
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| Local cache digest enabled; rebuild/rewrite
every 3600/3600 sec
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| Store logging disabled
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| WARNING: disk-cache maximum object size is
unlimited but mem-cache maximum object size is 32.00 KB
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| Swap maxSize 4060160 + 262144 KB, estimated
332484 objects
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| Target number of buckets: 16624
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| Using 32768 Store buckets
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| Max Mem size: 262144 KB [shared]
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| Max Swap size: 4060160 KB
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| Version 1 of swap file with LFS support
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| Rebuilding storage in /cache/2 (CLEAN)
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| Using Least Load store dir selection
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| Set Current Directory to /usr/local/squid/
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| Loaded Icons.
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| IcmpSquid.cc(255) Open: Pinger socket opened
on FD 24
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| Ready to serve requests.
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| Done reading /cache/2 swaplog (24 entries)
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| Finished rebuilding storage from disk.
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| 24 Entries scanned
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| 0 Invalid entries.
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| 0 With invalid flags.
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| 24 Objects loaded.
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| 0 Objects expired.
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| 0 Objects cancelled.
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| 0 Duplicate URLs purged.
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| 0 Swapfile clashes avoided.
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| Took 0.02 seconds (1300.67 objects/sec).
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| Beginning Validation Procedure
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| Completed Validation Procedure
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| Validated 24 Entries
2011/11/28 16:49:16 kid2| store_swap_size = 2321119973474304.00 KB
FATAL: xcalloc: Unable to allocate 18446744073638813067 blocks of 1