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Re: Add top information to all webpages (like godaddy AD)

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On Tue, 11 Oct 2011 19:50:24 +0100, Jorge Bastos wrote:
Hi all,

Thanks for your answers.

Well, I'm no c/c++ skill'able
guy :(

The apache footer module was a good solution but, in this case I
can't use it in combination with squid.
I thought it may exist some
easy way of doing this..

Well, I'll keep searching to see if I can find anything.

If somehow anyone knows something please tell me.

Please consult a qualified lawyer familiar with technical copyrights and distribution laws before you consider altering anybody elses copyrighted content. The below is my unqualified knowledge about the area, but IANAL.

I know that there are significant legal and moral problems in many countries and regions around the world. The idea of inserting banner ads is an attractive and nasty trap for the unwary.

Hosting companies get away with it because the hosting contracts they have with their clients inherently assigns right of redistribution for the clients copyright material. Their servers are the authoritative creators of the version distributed including placement of page adverts. Even so, not even the free hosts get away without client push-back. So consider the situation very carefully.

Squid being a relay does not generate content, therefore is not usually considered a creator and original source under copyright laws. And often has not contract or relationship with the distributing sources at all.

If you are running a reverse-proxy type situation you can likely use the same contract agreements the hosting companies do with the ICAP/eCAP adapter methods others have mentioned. Check this with a lawyer!

Also, remember that almost all web pages are stuffed to the rafters with adverts already and carefully designed by their authors to fit within certain styling and demographic requirements. Altering this in any way can seriously break sites. Web pages visible to users are also relatively small portion of web traffic, it can be a major problem simply identifying what can and can't be altered.

Splash pages are fully supported by Squid and avoid all of these major problems. Along with the problem of user acceptance from the viewer end of the transaction. Splash page ads avoid the whole content-alteration/copyrights legal maze since you are not altering anything, but presenting wholly new content under some other copyright. The technical issues with processing pages to figure out whether, how and what to alter simply do not appear for obvious reasons.


Thanks in advanced,


On 11.10.2011 17:23, Luis Daniel Lucio Quiroz wrote:

2011/10/11 Hasanen AL-Bana :

you don't want to create iframe for request , some requests will be for queries made by ajax and you don't want to touch is better to
add it only to the home page. On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 2:43 PM, Ed W

So you could be smarter and instead inject some javascript which
checks if you are in a frameset and if not creates one. This of
course has some subtleties with ajax... Ed W On 11/10/2011 12:28,
Hasanen AL-Bana wrote:

I believe yes ! but it will cause lots of troubles with pages like
facebook & gmail you can redirect all requests to a url_rewriter
script. squid will pass the requested url to the script , then the script must generate a page with 2 iFrames , first iFrame will hold
the Ad, the second iFrame goes bellow the first one and will
contain the original requested page. but think of the problems you
will face because squid will add that to each request which will
break all the page ,hence the script must be smart enough to
process only root pages like index.php index.html .... On Tue, Oct
11, 2011 at 2:20 PM, Jorge Bastos wrote:

Howdy, I'd like to do something that I don't know if that's
possible somehow. I have squid configured as transparent, and I'd like to add on everypage that the user visits, information on the
top of the pages, like an AD. Is this possible? For example
Godaddy has this on the free hosting they provide. Thanks in
advanced, Jorge Bastos,

This is a tricky one,

if yo have c/c++ skils you may program a c-icap module.

There is an easier way, but this isno squid's. I remember apache has
an foot_page module that does exactly what you want, you can use it in
combination with squid to add your code.

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