On 11/10/11 16:53, Luis Daniel Lucio Quiroz wrote:
2011/10/11 Alex Crow<alex@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
On 11/10/11 14:29, Eduardo Porte wrote:
I'm trying withou success to block the site: https://www.hidemyass.com.
My question is, how can I block some specifics HTTPS sites and allow
In this example, I need to block only https://www.hidemyass.com.
Which ACL in squid.conf should I use ?
Are you using transparent mode? If so, you can't block HTTPS.
He hasn't tell it is transparent.
Because HTTPS is crypted, you can only block IP or domain name,
block the domain .hidemyass.com with dstdomain acl, this should work
He did now, and my assumption was correct. I can't guarantee it will
always be, but most of the time it seems that people think that
transparent mode can filter HTTPS.
I think I am becoming the default "HTTPS stuff does not work in
transparent mode"/"if you have control of the network - do PAC/WPAD
instead" guy on this list.
Amos - can we move this to the top of the "common gotchas" in the FAQ?
This must be about the 4th query with the same cause this month. BTW, I
sent you a logfile re: 3.2 auth, didn't make it to the list, did you get it?