>The Ubuntu Server had an Apache Tomcat web server on it that we were not >using at the time. It seems the Squid has disabled it. Is it possible to >run both on the same server? >I have crawled the archives but do not see any >reference to this specific issue. Right now the Squid and the Apache Tomcat >are for the LAN only with no external access planned in the near future. > >When I run the tomcat test http://localhost/ >the error message is >Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at localhost. Don't have time to look over your config, but I doubt one disabled the other. So you are trying to browse a local http service on the console of the squid server, through the proxy? Tail your access.log, you'll see what is happening but likely you have an acl blocking localhost access. You mention you have no external access, what do you cache with squid?