I used Sun Java Web Proxy as a reverse proxy, this is also used as a front-end for https connections, the flow was as follows: client (https )----> reverse proxy (certificate installed) (http )------> Web Server Use the Content URL Rewriting to rewrite the url on html pages. Is there a function or method with squid for "rewriting" the content with html page. This is because it is not visually beautiful in browsers like Firefox, and some problems of mixed pages in IE. Url rewrite functionality in Sun Java Proxy http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/819-4910/6n71fnl6m?l=en&a=view Hello Thanks Dott. Roberto Di Lorenzo roberto.dilorenzo[at]arit.it - Area Tecnica - ARIT www.arit.it Agenzia Regionale per l'Informatica e la Telematica Contatto Skype roberto.dilorenzo80