On 19/11/10 00:44, Gonzalo Morera wrote:
Hi Amos
Thanks a lot for your answer
The request method is just a GET and with streetview option i was referring to the yellow man on goggle maps :-)
I could not get a lan trace between squid and the cisco device so i do not know what the cisco device is sending but if it is remove it, squid sends the 204 with the content-length and everything works. I see the same behavior with different proxies like bordermanager or superlumin. All send the content-length header.
Could be possible if you point me to the docs about this subject, please?
In RFC 2616 ...
section 4.3 about when a message body is required or not. Says
explicitly that content-length is up to the request method. Otherwise it
MAY be sent.
section 4.4 has a few not-relevant-here cases about its usage.
section 9.3 (GET method) leaves it undefined. MAY contain zero.
section 10.5.2 as you quoted already has no mention of it whatsoever.
Therefore it's optional in your specific test case. Software which can't
deal with that is broken.
The only interacting detail is that there is an empty line required
after headers. If the cisco is eliding those blank bytes as well, they
would be the problem, not the header.
Please be using
Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE9 or 3.1.9
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