On 18/11/10 23:23, Gonzalo Morera wrote:
Please, disregard my previous post. In front of the squid server there is a Cisco appliance and it is the one causing the issue, so sending the 204 without a content-length header. Once the Cisco is removed, traces showed squid sending the 204 with the content-length header hence working as it should
Well, to answer your technical Q about the RFCs. With a 204 reply the
content-length header is usually optional. Squid sends a few headers
like connection: and content-length: on a lets-be-safe basis.
The RFCs specify that the content-length:0 MUST exist for certain
request methods (OPTIONS being one, was that what you meant by "the
streetview options"?). And MUST NOT exist for certain types of encoding
replies. That is all.
content-length is OPTIONAL in all other bodiless cases.
Disclaimer: I'm not an authority on the RFCs. Just spent lots of time
reading figuring out the text.
Please be using
Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE9 or 3.1.9
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