John Horne wrote:
Hello, Our Squid 3.1.6 server is showing the following error occasionally: errorTryLoadText: '/usr/share/squid/errors/vi-vn/ERR_ONLY_IF_CACHED_MISS': (2) No such file or directory WARNING: Error Pages Missing Language: vi-vn I see from the Squid translations web page that this means that the language page is missing. Fair enough, but the translations page seems to indicate that the Vietnamese language has a volunteer translator. As such I assume there was (?) a Vietnamese language translation? It does not seem to exist any more. (I have checked the current language pack too.) Not a problem, just curious. Sorry but I have no knowledge of the Vietnamese language so would not be able to help with that.
The langpack bundles are kept up to 24-hr of the latest translations fixes. The source code releases are only irregularly synced with the langpack content. So there is often a mis-match between the two.
vi-vn is an alias, so you maybe need to build the aliases. The sources and langpack bundle with a script ( to make these symlinks on any 'nix. For manual running you will have to send in some parameters as per the top of the script; IIRC its "./ ln rm . aliases".
Amos -- Please be using Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE9 or 3.1.6 Beta testers wanted for