Dear experts, I configed Squid with LDAP_Group authentication, each user in ProxyUsers group of AD can surf after inputting user name/password when he open browser. I'd like to know is there a way needn't user input id/passoword if he already in ProxyUsers group, to say make Squid total transparent to users. Thanks for sharing ! Best Regards Tony Fei IMPORTANT NOTICE Email from OOCL is confidential and may be legally privileged. If it is not intended for you, please delete it immediately unread. The internet cannot guarantee that this communication is free of viruses, interception or interference and anyone who communicates with us by email is taken to accept the risks in doing so. Without limitation, OOCL and its affiliates accept no liability whatsoever and howsoever arising in connection with the use of this email. Under no circumstances shall this email constitute a binding agreement to carry or for provision of carriage services by OOCL, which is subject to the availability of carrier's equipment and vessels and the terms and conditions of OOCL's standard bill of lading which is also available at