jyothi wrote:
I am using squid 2.7, I want to redirect my url www.google.com to www.m.google.com. To
do this I have tried adding this line in squid.conf " url rewrite_program
/etc/squid/redirect.pl " and the redirect.pl file is as follows.
while (<>) {
@X = split;
$url = $X[0];
if ($url =~ /^http:\/\/www\.google\.com/) {
$url =~ s/google/m.google/;
print "$url\n";
} else {
print "$url\n";
After adding the line in squid.conf if try to start to start squid it is crashing with
the following messages. I tried googling to figure out. But most of them are used
squidguard, I could not find the solution in FAQ. Kindly help me if I am doing anything
2010/05/16 11:34:53| Ready to serve requests.
2010/05/16 11:34:53| WARNING: url_rewriter #1 (FD 7) exited
2010/05/16 11:34:53| WARNING: url_rewriter #2 (FD 8) exited
2010/05/16 11:34:53| WARNING: url_rewriter #3 (FD 9) exited
2010/05/16 11:34:53| Too few url_rewriter processes are running
FATAL: The url_rewriter helpers are crashing too rapidly, need help!
What happens when you run in manually as the proxy user?
does it keep running until you abort it?
Please be using
Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE9 or 3.1.3