>----Original Message---- >From: crobertson@xxxxxxx >Date: 26/01/2010 0:24 >To: <squid-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> >Subj: Re: Poor mans static CDN <snip> >A simple redirect program that strips a leading "cache." from the >requested domain name will give you the flexibility to do this. Thanks for responding Chris. So now I have the following config: http_port external-iip2:80 vhost defaultsite=blog.tld cache_peer blog.tld parent 80 0 no-query originserver login=PASS url_rewrite_program /etc/squid/r.pl r.pl does a simple substitution s/cache.blog.tld/blog.tld/i and appears to be working clientRedirectDone: 'http://cache.blog.tld/?9834733' result=http: //blog.tld/?9834733 << [check] But the debug shows the request being build with the cache hostname. httpBuildRequestHeader: Host: cache.blog.tld httpBuildRequestHeader: User-Agent: ... ... Packet capture: GET /?9834733 HTTP/1.0 Host: cache.blog.tld Any more ideas? B.