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Re: Re: squid_kerb_auth problem

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Hi Markus
Sorry yes you were right, it was DNS.

In our environment we are running two DNS servers. One using MS DNS
and the other using unix BIND. The linux server was added to the unix
DNS (with name but not to the MS DNS which was
authority for Now that I think about it our MS DNS has
issues doing reverse lookups for IPs that the unix DNS is authority
for (which in this case was

I changed linux server name to and now the
squid_kerb_auth_test works.
Using your squid_kerb_auth (version 1.0.5) I get:
AF oRQwEqADCgEAoQsGCSqGSIb3EgECAg== user@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
2010/01/18 20:25:10| squid_kerb_auth: AF
oRQwEqADCgEAoQsGCSqGSIb3EgECAg== user@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
When I try the same thing with the auth from squid-2.7.STABLE7.tar.bz2
I get
2010/01/18 20:29:07| squid_kerb_auth: parseNegTokenInit failed with rc=102
AF oRQwEqADCgEAoQsGCSqGSIb3EgECAg== user@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
2010/01/18 20:29:07| squid_kerb_auth: AF
oRQwEqADCgEAoQsGCSqGSIb3EgECAg== user@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Is the parseNegTokenInit failed with rc=102 ok?

I then tried running squid and used Firefox 3.5.7. I got the following
error from squid cache:

authenticateNegotiateHandleReply: Failed validating user via
Negotiate. Error returned 'type 1 NTLM token'

Any ideas? Also I don't get any authentication popups for userid and password...

A sample of the log:
2010/01/18 20:47:58| squid_kerb_auth: Got 'YR
(length: 59).
2010/01/18 20:47:58| squid_kerb_auth: parseNegTokenInit failed with rc=101
2010/01/18 20:47:58| squid_kerb_auth: received type 1 NTLM token
2010/01/18 20:47:58| do_comm_select: 1 fds ready
2010/01/18 20:47:58| cbdataValid: 0x1838d448
2010/01/18 20:47:58| helperStatefulHandleRead: 30 bytes from
negotiateauthenticator #1.
2010/01/18 20:47:58| commSetSelect: FD 7 type 1
2010/01/18 20:47:58| helperStatefulHandleRead: end of reply found
2010/01/18 20:47:58| cbdataValid: 0x18648bb8
2010/01/18 20:47:58| cbdataValid: 0x185cad18
2010/01/18 20:47:58| helperStatefulReleaseServer: 0x1838d448
2010/01/18 20:47:58| helperStatefulReset: 0x1838d448
2010/01/18 20:47:58| StatefulGetFirstAvailable: Running servers 10.
2010/01/18 20:47:58| authenticateNegotiateHandleReply: Failed
validating user via Negotiate. Error returned 'type 1 NTLM token'
2010/01/18 20:47:58| authenticateValidateUser: Validated Auth_user
request '0x18648960'.
2010/01/18 20:47:58| cbdataValid: 0x183561a8
2010/01/18 20:47:58| aclCheck: checking 'http_access deny !password'
2010/01/18 20:47:58| aclMatchAclList: checking !password
2010/01/18 20:47:58| aclMatchAcl: checking 'acl password proxy_auth REQUIRED'
2010/01/18 20:47:58| authenticateValidateUser: Validated Auth_user
request '0x18648960'.
2010/01/18 20:47:58| authenticateNegotiateAuthenticateUser: need to
challenge client 'received'!
2010/01/18 20:47:58| authenticateValidateUser: Validated Auth_user
request '0x18648960'.
2010/01/18 20:47:58| aclAuthenticated: returning 0 sending
authentication challenge.
2010/01/18 20:47:58| aclCheck: match found, returning 2
2010/01/18 20:47:58| cbdataUnlock: 0x183561a8
2010/01/18 20:47:58| aclCheckCallback: answer=2
2010/01/18 20:47:58| cbdataValid: 0x185ca298
2010/01/18 20:47:58| The request GET
is DENIED, because it matched 'password'

My acl for this was:
'http_access deny !password'


2010/1/16 Markus Moeller <huaraz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> Can you check your DNS you should get for
> nslookup name  an   ip
> and for the reverse
> nslookup ip  the same name.
> Which Kerberos libraries do you use ?  Heimdal or MIT and which release ?
> Markus
> "Umesh Bodalina" <u.bodalina@xxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
> news:c3b47c041001160337k68a1313g1863689383a15121@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Hi
> When I tried
> ./squid_kerb_auth_test proxy1
> or
> ./squid_kerb_auth_test
> I got
> 2010/01/16 12:31:47| squid_kerb_auth_test: gss_init_sec_context()
> failed: Unspecified GSS failure.  Minor code may provide more
> information. Unknown code krb5 7
> Token: NULL
> But I got a token if I used
> ./squid_kerb_auth_test
> or
> ./squid_kerb_auth_test
> Using this token and squid auth in the same directory I got
> squid_kerb_auth: gss_accept_sec_context() failed: Unspecified GSS
> failure.  Minor code may provide more information. No error
> BH gss_accept_sec_context() failed: Unspecified GSS failure.  Minor
> code may provide more information. No error
> Using the same token on the latest compiled squid
> /usr/local/squid/libexec/squid_kerb_auth -d
> I got
> 2010/01/16 12:55:58| squid_kerb_auth: parseNegTokenInit failed with rc=102
> 2010/01/16 12:55:58| squid_kerb_auth: gss_accept_sec_context() failed:
> Unspecified GSS failure.  Minor code may provide more information. No
> error
> NA gss_accept_sec_context() failed: Unspecified GSS failure.  Minor
> code may provide more information. No error
> Any ideas?
> Regards
> Umesh
> 2010/1/15 Markus Moeller <huaraz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
>> There should be a squid_kerb_auth_test application in the same source
>> directory as squid_kerb_auth.
>> Do a kinit user@DOMAIN and then a squid_kerb_auth_test squid-fqdn which
>> should give you a token like:
>> Token: YIICPQYGKwYBBQUCoIICMTCCAi2gHzAdBgkqhkiG......
>> which you can the use with squid_kerb_auth like
>> export KRB5_KTNAME=/path-to-squid.keytab.
>> ./squid_kerb_auth -d
>> 2010/01/15 14:40:29| squid_kerb_auth: Got 'YR
>> YIICPQYGKwYBBQUCoIICMTCCAi2gHzAdBgkq...' from squid (length: 775).
>> 2010/01/15 14:40:29| squid_kerb_auth: Decode
>> 'YIICPQYGKwYBBQUCoIICMTCCAi2gHzAdBgkq...' (decoded length: 577).
>> AF oRQwEqADCgEAoQsGCSqGSIb3EgECAg== markus@xxxxxxxxx
>> 2010/01/15 14:40:29| squid_kerb_auth: AF oRQwEqADCgEAoQsGCSqGSIb3EgECAg==
>> markus@xxxxxxxxx
>> Regards
>> Markus
>> "Markus Moeller" <huaraz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
>> news:hipnhp$hs3$1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>> When you use ktpass or msktutil you have to specify a different AD object
>>> then your samba object and remove the HTTP/... entries as service
>>> principal
>>> from your samba AD object. If you want to have only one AD object you
>>> have
>>> to use the net keytab command as described in the wiki.
>>> Regards
>>> Markus
>>> "Umesh Bodalina" <u.bodalina@xxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
>>> news:c3b47c041001150053n290d6443q830770300636a0ca@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>> Hi
>>> Ok. Did that now and I got:
>>> kvno HTTP/
>>> HTTP/proxy1@xxxxxxxxxx: kvno = 5
>>> This number is different from the the keytab number.
>>> How do I correct this?
>>> Yes I did use samba (net ads join -U adminuserid). Then I tried the
>>> msktutil. Then finally ktpass.
>>> During the net ads join I got:
>>> # net ads join -U userid
>>> userid's password:
>>> Using short domain name -- DOMAIN
>>> DNS update failed!
>>> Joined 'PROXY1' to realm 'DOMAIN.COM'
>>> Is the DNS update a problem?
>>> Regards
>>> Umesh
>>> 2010/1/15 Markus Moeller <huaraz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
>>>> Sorry I forgot to say that you have to do a kinit aduser@REALM before
>>>> you
>>>> issue the kvno command. Did you use the sambe netjoin command to create
>>>> the as account and the keytab ?
>>>> Markus
>>>> "Umesh Bodalina" <u.bodalina@xxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
>>>> news:c3b47c041001140513s2af2a25fp7e103af29dfc3cbd@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>> Hi Markus
>>>> I've checked with ADSIEDIT and found a single entry for the linux
>>>> server named proxy1.
>>>> Clicking on it's properties I found the following entries for service
>>>> Principal Name:
>>>> 28,LDAP://adserver/CN=proxy1,OU=Workstations,OU=ComputerAccounts,OU=name,DC=DOMAIN,DC=COM,servicePrincipalName,servicePrincipalName,HOST/PROXY1
>>>> 28,LDAP://adserver/CN=proxy1,OU=Workstations,OU=ComputerAccounts,OU=name,DC=DOMAIN,DC=COM,servicePrincipalName,servicePrincipalName,HOST/
>>>> 28,LDAP://adserver/CN=proxy1,OU=Workstations,OU=ComputerAccounts,OU=name,DC=DOMAIN,DC=COM,servicePrincipalName,servicePrincipalName,HTTP/proxy1
>>>> 28,LDAP://adserver/CN=proxy1,OU=Workstations,OU=ComputerAccounts,OU=name,DC=DOMAIN,DC=COM,servicePrincipalName,servicePrincipalName,HTTP/
>>>> On the linux box:
>>>> # klist -ekt /etc/squid/HTTP.keytab
>>>> Keytab name: FILE:/etc/squid/HTTP.keytab
>>>> KVNO Timestamp Principal
>>>> ---- -----------------
>>>> --------------------------------------------------------
>>>> 7 01/01/70 02:00:00 HTTP/ (ArcFour
>>>> with HMAC/md5)
>>>> # kvno HTTP/
>>>> kvno: Ticket expired while getting credentials for
>>>> HTTP/
>>>> # kvno HTTP/proxy1
>>>> kvno: Ticket expired while getting credentials for
>>>> HTTP/proxy1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>> Should I remove the entry on AD, rejoin the pc to AD and create the
>>>> keytab again?
>>>> Which mechanism should I use to create the keytab?
>>>> Is my DNS correct if the pc came up on AD as proxy1 should it be the
>>>> fqdn (
>>>> Regards
>>>> Umesh
>>>> 2010/1/13 Markus Moeller <huaraz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
>>>>> On AD you can use ADSIEDIT (
>>>>> )
>>>>> to
>>>>> search for entries and delete,modify them. The best instructions are
>>>>> Let me know what you get once you deleted the old entry. Another check
>>>>> is
>>>>> to use the kvno tool which you should have when you use MIT Kerberos.
>>>>> #kvno HTTP/fqdn@REALM should give the same number as klist -ekt
>>>>> squid.keytab
>>>>> e.g.
>>>>> # klist -ekt /etc/squid/squid.keytab
>>>>> Keytab name: FILE:/etc/squid/squid.keytab
>>>>> KVNO Timestamp Principal
>>>>> ---- -----------------
>>>>> --------------------------------------------------------
>>>>> 3 11/25/08 20:54:17 HTTP/opensuse11.suse.home@xxxxxxxxx (ArcFour with
>>>>> HMAC/md5)
>>>>> 3 11/25/08 20:54:17 HTTP/opensuse11.suse.home@xxxxxxxxx (Triple DES cbc
>>>>> mode with HMAC/sha1)
>>>>> 3 11/25/08 20:54:17 HTTP/opensuse11.suse.home@xxxxxxxxx (DES cbc mode
>>>>> with
>>>>> CRC-32)
>>>>> #kvno HTTP/opensuse11.suse.home
>>>>> HTTP/opensuse11.suse.home@xxxxxxxxx: kvno = 3
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> Markus
>>>>> "Umesh Bodalina" <u.bodalina@xxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
>>>>> news:c3b47c041001130210i6299c910g51bb3a2ffa5c45f@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> I'm new to this. I've run the following command on the server:
>>>>> ldapsearch -L -x -D "aduser" -w "password" -h domainfqdn -p 389 -b
>>>>> "OU=name,DC=domain,DC=com" "serviceprincipalname=HTTP/fqdn@REALM"
>>>>> and get
>>>>> #
>>>>> # LDAPv3
>>>>> # base <OU=name,DC=domain,DC=com> with scope subtree
>>>>> # filter: serviceprincipalname=HTTP/fqdn@REALM
>>>>> # requesting: ALL
>>>>> #
>>>>> # search result
>>>>> # numResponses: 1
>>>>> Is it possible to check directly on AD if this service principal name
>>>>> exits?
>>>>> How else can I test if this keytab works?
>>>>> If I create a new keytab what is the procedure of getting rid of the
>>>>> old one and retesting (what should be done on AD and the linux box)?
>>>>> Are there any docs that will help me with this?
>>>>> Sorry for being a pain and thanks again.
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> Umesh
>>>>> 2010/1/13 Markus Moeller <huaraz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
>>>>>> Can you check with an ldap query (e.g. with ldapadmin from
>>>>>> sourceforge)
>>>>>> or
>>>>>> search with a filter "(serviceprincipalname=HTTP/fqdn@REALM)" if you
>>>>>> have
>>>>>> duplicate entries ?
>>>>>> This kinit -k -t /etc/squid/squid.keytab HTTP/fqdn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx will
>>>>>> only
>>>>>> work if the userprincipal name is HTTP/fqdn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx which I
>>>>>> think
>>>>>> is
>>>>>> not the case with ktpass.
>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>> Markus
>>>>>> "Umesh Bodalina" <u.bodalina@xxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
>>>>>> news:c3b47c041001120741n6c2edf4ftd67dbe4b5cf1e2f0@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> I'm trying to get the squid helper squid_kerb_auth to work against
>>>>>>> our
>>>>>>> Active Directory (win 2003 sp2).
>>>>>>> I've compiled the latest squid version (squid-2.7.STABLE7)on CentOS
>>>>>>> 5.4
>>>>>>> 64 bit.
>>>>>>> Squid Cache: Version 2.7.STABLE7
>>>>>>> configure options: '--prefix=/usr/local/squid' '--disable-wccp'
>>>>>>> '--disable-wccpv2' '--enable-large-cache-files' '--with-large-files'
>>>>>>> '--enable-delay-pools' '--enable-cachemgr-hostname' '=fqdn'
>>>>>>> '--enable-ntlm-auth-helpers=SMB' '--enable-auth=basic,ntlm,negotiate'
>>>>>>> '--enable-negotiate-auth-helpers=squid_kerb_auth' '--enable-snmp'
>>>>>>> A keytab file was create on AD for squid
>>>>>>> (HTTP/squid.domain@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
>>>>>>> ktpass -princ HTTP/fqdn@REALM -mapuser squiduser
>>>>>>> -pass password -out HTTP.keytab
>>>>>>> Transferred the file on the CentOS server and placed it
>>>>>>> in /etc/squid/HTTP.keytab
>>>>>>> kinit -k -t /etc/squid/squid.keytab HTTP/fqdn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>>>>>>> I get the error message:
>>>>>>> kinit(v5): Client not found in Kerberos database while getting
>>>>>>> initial
>>>>>>> credentials
>>>>>>> I've also tried creating the keytab file using
>>>>>>> msktutil or samba according to the following doc:
>>>>>>> I get the same error.
>>>>>>> How do I sort out this problem?
>>>>>>> Thanks in advance.
>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>> Umesh

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