Tom Penndorf wrote:
Vivek schrieb:
I am rotating the logs using " squid -k rotate ". In the crontab,
0 */1 * * * /usr/local/squid/sbin/squid -k rotate
I think, this will cause squid to do an reload, so it will shortly stop
the wccp-service. Perhaps, you should rotate the files only once a day.
"-k rotate" was the right way to do it. Only reloads the helpers and
rotates the logs.
WCCP and other public-facing services should not be seeing any loss of
service at all on rotate. Worst case is a short[1] lag while the store
index journal gets rebuilt and dumped to disk.
[1: for various definitions of 'short'.]
Is there any sign in cache.log of Squid crashing at or around those times?
2.7 has an auto-restart built in that may be masking it from notice.
squid version - squd-2.7 Stable 6
IOS version - 12.4(15)T6
Please be using
Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE6 or 3.0.STABLE18
Current Beta Squid