Andrej van der Zee wrote:
Thanks for your email.
Actually I was looking for a way NOT to configure my browser through a
proxy, but somehow doing this on a lower level. The problem is that
Internet Explorer sends an HTTP header "Proxy-Connection: Keep Alive"
along with the request. Maybe I am mistaking, but I can't see how any
of the methods in the manual can do this for me. Or am I mistaking?
Not possible. There are a lot of other things than that header going on
when the browser knows about the proxy (via the control panel or
WPAD/PAC configuration).
Certain special types of request are sent for FTP and HTTPS, different
types of URL sent, other headers along with the one you noticed, no DNS
happens in the whole process, and different types of replies are
expected back. With IE sometimes whole different versions of HTTP
protocol itself are used.
Why is that single very commonly seen header a problem?
Please be using
Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE6 or 3.0.STABLE18
Current Beta Squid