Mr. K wrote:
I’ve been reading about the cache_peer parameters and I add this line:
cache_peer parent 3128 7 no-query login=PASS
I thought that the login=PASS option would force squid to transfer all the
authentications credentials to the next hop proxy, but I have the same
behavior. the packets arrive with the Proxy_Authorization header but leave
with out it.
Any ideas to move on this issue?
Find out if the packets that you are seeing actually going to that peer
through the cache_peer defined link?
This should appear in access.log as FIRST_UP_PARENT/ or similar. Any
entries of DIRECT/ are going to have the header stripped.
This is changed as needed by the allow_direct, never_direct and
cache_peer_access controls.
Also the ICP port "7" is not relevant. Use 0 to disable it.
Please be using
Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE6 or 3.0.STABLE17
Current Beta Squid