In the last few days, my store.log has suddenly started filling up
with entries such as the following:
1246200847.769 RELEASE -1 FFFFFFFF 74D41A19D1E64DB54978AD277BA12FC7
? ? ? ? ?/? ?/? ? ?
Despite log rotation, the log file has hit 2GB and stopped Squid from
working as the file is too big to write to.
I have disabled the store.log file, but I am concerned that something
is not right. Could there be something nasty on the network?
I found a similar post here:
But the answer of that thread was to upgrade. I am using 3.0.STABLE8
on Debian 5.
So in summary, I have found a workaround, but I am concerned that
something is not right. Should I be concerned?
Many thanks in advance,