Hello Squid users. I am using on squid 3.0 Stable15. I try to make SSL reverse proxy. My config file is below. https_port 443 cert=domain.crt key=domain.key clientca=UTNAddTrustServerCA.crt defaultsite=www.test.com vhost cache_peer parent 443 0 no-query originserver sslflags=DONT_VERIFY_PEER And start squid /etc/init.d/squid start * Starting Squid HTTP proxy squid * Creating squid cache structure Enter PEM pass phrase: and enter my pass. It's Ok. root@virt:/var/log/squid# lsof -i TCP:443 COMMAND PID USER FD TYPE DEVICE SIZE NODE NAME squid 24010 proxy 15u IPv4 1311653 TCP *:https (LISTEN) and 443 port opened. But I can't connect SSL site ( https://www.test.com. ) How can I do ?. I don't know how to setup squid about chain SSL. I found below log. (cache.log) 2009/06/12 13:40:41| httpsAccept: Error allocating handle: error:140BA0C3:SSL routines:SSL_new:null ssl ctx 2009/06/12 13:40:41| httpsAccept: Error allocating handle: error:140BA0C3:SSL routines:SSL_new:null ssl ctx 2009/06/12 13:40:41| httpsAccept: Error allocating handle: error:140BA0C3:SSL routines:SSL_new:null ssl ctx 2009/06/12 13:40:41| httpsAccept: Error allocating handle: error:140BA0C3:SSL routines:SSL_new:null ssl ctx