Hello, I telnet to localhost's 80 port (squid-3.0.15 is running on this port), and send a command "GET / HTTP/1.0" following with two "\n\n": # telnet localhost 80 GET / HTTP/1.0 Then I watched access.log, found this info: - - [09/Jun/2009:12:36:46 +0800] "GET / HTTP/0.0" 400 1209 NONE:NONE (squid has set emulate_httpd_log on) I'm totally confused, why squid said it was "HTTP/0.0" and returned a 400 code? Thanks. Need a Holiday? Win a $10,000 Holiday of your choice. Enter now.http://us.lrd.yahoo.com/_ylc=X3oDMTJxN2x2ZmNpBF9zAzIwMjM2MTY2MTMEdG1fZG1lY2gDVGV4dCBMaW5rBHRtX2xuawNVMTEwMzk3NwR0bV9uZXQDWWFob28hBHRtX3BvcwN0YWdsaW5lBHRtX3BwdHkDYXVueg--/SIG=14600t3ni/**http%3A//au.rd.yahoo.com/mail/tagline/creativeholidays/*http%3A//au.docs.yahoo.com/homepageset/%3Fp1=other%26p2=au%26p3=mailtagline