I have a squid1 transparent that´s using as parent to squid2 (not
I have a router limiting bw. to 256kbit (between router and squid1, the
gateway) and is using as gateway to squid1, i want that if internet content
come from squid2 (not transparent and used as parent for squid1) because is
cached or not (is another internet connection to other isp and my router
does not limit the speed to 256kbit between him and the squid2), the
internet contents pass to all speed.
Efectively, if to my router i configure to intecept all 80 ports petitions
and send to port 3128 to squid2 the clients of the router surf the web to
all speed, but if i do not intercept this petitions and the router download
the content from squid1 transparent the router does not see that internet
content comes from squid2 not transparent and all is to 256kbit.
In squid1 i´m using as parent to squid2 and have never_direct rule for
specific content coming from squid2.
Any suggestion ?
Squid1 transparente usa de parent a squid2 (no transparente).
Tengo un router que limita el bw. a 256kbit y usa como puerta de enlace a
squid1, lo que quiero es que (y pensaba) el router si el contenido viene
desde el squid2 (que no es transparente) ya sea porque esté cacheado o
porque sale por ese squid no limite la velocidad.
Efectivamente si a mi router le obligo a salir usando el squid2 en el puerto
8080 vuela, pero no es la idea, la idea es que use al squid1 transparente.
Alguna idea de como puede marcarse en squid2 al contenido que baja y entrega
o entrega cacheado para que lleve la ip del squid2 como origen y no la ip
real del sitio ?