Hello, I am from a school division and we have squid boxes running in each of our schools. We also use the proxies for logging. We have a firewall that does our content filtering, and it filters based on the IP address from the requested IP address (the proxy server). Is it possible to setup a single squid server that has two IP address and have two instances of squid running (one for students and one for teachers). What we want is the filtering for students and teachers to be different based on the IP address of the squid server. what my problem is that if I have students pointing to proxy A (with IP and teachers to proxy B (with IP and proxy B isn't being filtered on our firewall, the students can still get the unfiltered content from proxy B even though they are pointing to proxy A. I have tried setting the http_port setting to Proxy A config file (with eth0 being http_port Proxy B config file (with eth1 being http_port I have tried some acl configs with the http_access without any success. There might be a way with iptables, but I do not know how to use it. Basically how can I get the "Proxy B process" to access the firewall, and still be filtered, without using the Proxy A ( address? Any suggestions? Thanks in advance! Jason