vivian t wrote:
On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 10:35 PM, Chris Robertson <crobertson@xxxxxxx> wrote:
vivian t wrote:
when i try to surf any site from any pc i start the squid server in
debug level 1
and found this lines
commBind: cannot bind socket FD 14 to X.X.X.X: (99) cannot assign
requested address
what is it mean ...?
It means that Squid can't open a network socket on the IP X.X.X.X.
Similar error messages from the FAQ are...
Without knowing what "X.X.X.X" actually is, or seeing your squid.conf, there
is a limited amount of help that can be offered.
i configure squid with tproxy
X.X.X.X the ip address of client who connect to squid
http_port 8080 tproxy
Two requests:
1) Please reply-all or reply only to the list.
2) If you are going to keep the message history in your quote, add new
information in-line or at the bottom. Posting replies at the top makes
the archives hard to read.
Now, on to your issue... If I understand it correctly, using tproxy
requires kernel, iptables AND Squid patches. See for a
general outline for Squid >3.1 or for upcoming tproxy4
support in Squid 3.1.
The error message you are seeing probably means that you have not
patched your kernel. But someone else on the list might have more insight.