hello my first post so be nice, i have only started using squid, i have installed ad zap and videocache on squid, videocache is working but when i go to this page to test if ad zap is working i find that it is not, "http://bannerblind.mozdev.org/testpage.html". i got the information to go to that page from this article "http://bannerblind.mozdev.org/testpage.html" i have set my permissions right and think squid.conf is correct, i suppose it has to be cus videocache is working, here is my wrapzap file # # #!/bin/sh # # Wrapper to set environment variables then exec the real zapper. # The reasons for this are twofold: # - for some reason squid doesn't preserve the original environment # when you do a restart (or SIGHUP) # - to avoid having to hack the squid startup script (if you have # a presupplied one, such as ships with some linux distributions) # # Install in the same directory you put the zapper (just for convenience) and # hack the pathnames below to suit. # Note that you can skip this script and run the zapper with no environment # settings at all and it will work fine; the variables are all set here merely # for completeness so that customisation is easy for you. # - Cameron Simpson <cs@xxxxxxxxxx> 21apr2000 # # modify this to match your install zapper=/usr/local/adzap/scripts/squid_redirect videocache=/usr/share/videocache/videocache.py ZAP_MODE= # or "CLEAR" ZAP_BASE=http://adzapper.sourceforge.net/zaps # a local web server will be better ZAP_BASE_SSL=https://adzapper.sourceforge.net/zaps # this can probably be ignored ZAP_PREMATCH= # pathname of extra pattern file # for patterns to preempt the stock # zapper ZAP_POSTMATCH= # pathname of extra pattern file # for patterns in addition to the # stock zapper; this is the one to # which you should add new ads ZAP_MATCH= # pathname of extra pattern file # for patterns to use instead of the # inbuilt pattern list ZAP_NO_CHANGE= # set to "NULL" is your proxy is Apache2 instead of Squid STUBURL_AD=$ZAP_BASE/ad.gif STUBURL_ADSSL=$ZAP_BASE_SSL/ad.gif STUBURL_ADBG=$ZAP_BASE/adbg.gif STUBURL_ADJS=$ZAP_BASE/no-op.js STUBURL_ADJSTEXT=$ZAP_BASE/no-op.js STUBURL_ADHTML=$ZAP_BASE/no-op.html STUBURL_ADHTMLTEXT=$ZAP_BASE/no-op.html STUBURL_ADMP3=$ZAP_BASE/ad.mp3 STUBURL_ADPOPUP=$ZAP_BASE/closepopup.html STUBURL_ADSWF=$ZAP_BASE/ad.swf STUBURL_COUNTER=$ZAP_BASE/counter.gif STUBURL_COUNTERJS=$ZAP_BASE/no-op-counter.js STUBURL_COUNTERHTML=$ZAP_BASE/no-op-counter.html STUBURL_WEBBUG=$ZAP_BASE/webbug.gif STUBURL_WEBBUGJS=$ZAP_BASE/webbug.js STUBURL_WEBBUGHTML=$ZAP_BASE/webbug.html STUBURL_PRINT= # off by default, set to 1 export ZAP_MODE ZAP_BASE ZAP_BASE_SSL ZAP_PREMATCH ZAP_POSTMATCH ZAP_MATCH ZAP_NO_CHANGE export STUBURL_AD STUBURL_ADSSL STUBURL_ADJS STUBURL_ADHTML STUBURL_ADMP3 \ STUBURL_ADPOPUP STUBURL_ADSWF STUBURL_COUNTER STUBURL_COUNTERJS \ STUBURL_COUNTERHTML STUBURL_WEBBUG STUBURL_WEBBUGJS STUBURL_WEBBUGHTML \ STUBURL_PRINT STUBURL_ADHTMLTEXT STUBURL_ADJSTEXT # Here, having arranged the environment, we exec the real zapper. # If you're chaining redirectors then comment out the direct exec below and # uncomment (and adjust) the exec of zapchain which takes care of running # multiple redirections. #exec "$zapper" exec /usr/local/adzap/scripts/zapchain "$zapper" "$videocache" #/path/to/another/eg/squirm ~ ~ # ################################################## can anyone see anything wrong with this, to me it should all be working fine.. i think i might be posting this in the wrong place but, worth a try... thanks