NetSnake wrote:
Actually, I defined a cache_peer named host1 as this:
cache_peer parent 80 0 no-query no-digest originserver name=host1
and I defined a ACL named ipaddress:
acl ipaddress external checkip
and then I defined the access rule, to deny access to hosts through my
checkip script.
cache_peer_access host1 deny ipaddress
And I found my script is already running after squid is up, and it can
write data to the file.
But it like squid just start up my script, and never call it when a
connection arraived.
cache_peer_access is a fast-ACL check. It cannot wait for delayed
actions such as remote helpers to reply.
It's also only checked after the request has been accepted.
You need to use your ACL in an http_access line first. Which will check
it early, and cache the result long enough for the peer checks to use.
BTW, No SELinux running on my box.
2009/1/14 Chris Robertson <crobertson@xxxxxxx>:
NetSnake wrote:
I want to use external_acl_type to distribute my user to different
server, these user need NOT authentication.
Squid start my application, but when I access to a special host, no
data send to my program from Squid.
my program is a very simple script, and when I use an existing
application such as ip_user_check, still no actions.
My squid configuration is:
external_acl_type checkip concurrency=0 ttl=0 children=1 %SRC
http_port 80 accel vhost vport
cache_peer parent 80 0 no-query no-digest originserver
acl ipaddress external checkip
cache_peer_access www deny ipaddress
There is no cache_peer defined as "www". There is one defined as
"". Perhaps that's a typo in the obfuscation of your
squid.conf. Are you sure the script is runnable by the
squid_effective_user? Does /tmp/squid.log exists? If so, is it writeable
by the squid_effective_user? Are you running SELinux or AppArmor?
My program is very simple:
$| = 1;
open(LOG, ">/tmp/squid.log");
print LOG "RUNNING\n";
while(defined($line = <STDIN>)){
print "OK\n";
open(LOG, ">>/tmp/squid.log");
print LOG "Got: $line\n";
So, I think that, is external_acl_type must under authentication mode?
thanks in advance.
Please be using
Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE5 or 3.0.STABLE11
Current Beta Squid