Regardt van de Vyver wrote:
Adam Squids wrote:
I am using Squid 2.5Build10, from what I understand squid does not
fully support HTTP/1.1, not in this version, not in 2.6 and not in
3.0. Is this correct?
I need to enable my requests to reach my backend servers in HTTP/1.1
so I'll be able to multiplex them.
Another issue,
I've tried to disable "chunked" in the http header via this workaround:
acl broken dstdomain <domain>
request_header_access Accept-Encoding deny broken
but it failed. I am still getting encoding: Chucked.
Thanks a million,
Hi Adam,
The HTTP1.1 efforts are still a work in progress AFAIK - but those with
more knowledge may correct me ;-)
As to the chunked encoding ... squid 2.5 Build 10 almost certainly does
not have support for the chunked bits. I'm sure Adrian will mention this
... but it's really recommended you run either 2.7stable5 or 3stable11
for testing/debugging support.
Right on all counts.
Though 2.7 has partial HTTP/1.1 enabled.
What really matters though is which parts of HTTP/1.1 you need to
'multiplex'. Most HTTP/1.1 stuff is simply passed through current Squid
or handled in newest Squid despite advertising 1.0. The lack in Squid is
self-handling and modification of some things like 100-expect replies.
But, If by multiplex you mean what I think you mean, then some
cache_peer config and the accelerator improvements in current Squid
should do that for you.
What sort of topology and service are you trying to provide?
Please be using
Current Stable Squid 2.7.STABLE5 or 3.0.STABLE11
Current Beta Squid