by the way, I run 3 squid processes in different port. and 3 processes run in different cpu. Is it probably caused by this? > mån 2008-12-08 klockan 09:28 +0800 skrev William Hanwoody: > > I have abserved squid logs at that time. > > When this happened, the response time of squid is often more than 30 > > seconds, and no other urls are abnormal. > > Are you using any of the following features in squid.conf? > > external_acl_type > acl type dst > acl type ident > http_reply_access > url_rewrite_program / redirector_program > auth_param > collapsed_forwarding > > > and I often find abnormal output of squidclient: > > Memory usage for squid via mallinfo(): > > Total space in arena: -1980532 KB > > here, memory size always is negative value? int overflow? > > That's normal. Linux glibc mallinfo() is broken for processes larger > than 2GB. > > Regards > Henrik