If we are using iptables iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i br0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8080 would that cause it to appear as a redirect? or that fact that the traffic is going through the dansguardian first? I do think that maybe I have narrowed the problem down to an iptables issue. If I do iptables -v -t nat -L it shows no packets being filtered, even if I set a browser on one of the remote subnets to have the squid's ip and port 80. Here is a little bit more info about the setup. squid listening on port 3128 dansguardian listening on port 8080 communicating to squid at port 3128 iptables taking port 80 traffic and sending it to port 8080(where the dansguardian gets it obviously). Pretty standard dansguardian/squid transparent proxy setup I think. And it works fine on the subnet local to the dansguardian/squid. Thanks On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 3:56 PM, Henrik Nordstrom <henrik@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote: > mån 2008-12-08 klockan 11:08 -0500 skrev Nick Sintros: >> TCP_MISS/301 531 GET http://www.foo.com/ - NONE/- text/html >> > > 301 is a redirect.. > > are you using an url rewriter helper as well? (url_rewrite_program / > redirect_program) > > Regards > Henrik > >