Volodymyr Kostyrko wrote:
Chris Robertson wrote:
Is this file changed daily?
Yep. Sometimes faster.
Huh... The refresh patterns are default. If the file was changed 24
hours ago, the refresh pattern would mark it fresh for less than 5 hours.
The default refresh_patterns will not keep an object (without expiry
information) cached for more than three days.
I'm just curios, maybe some other headers can trigger that? Like
negative ETag?
An ETag is just required to be a quoted string
(http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec3.html#sec3.11). That
shouldn't cause problems.
I'm just trying to understand is this some flaw in my config or it
just should work this way.
It should not work this way by default... Share your config, and
perhaps we can help find the cause.
Nothing odd there. Just to verify, is this the conf file from
Henrik, Amos or someone else more knowledgeable than I, what are the
debug_options to look at object age calculation? My bag of tricks is
pretty much depleted...