Thompson, Scott (WA) wrote:
Hi all A quick easy one I am sure I have setup SARG to grab the logs each day; SARG is set to run in cron.daily every morning at 06:25 It would appear that the cache.log and access.log files are backed up to cache.log.1 and access.log.1 at 06:17 each morning, so by the time the cron.daily runs SARG the logs are empty There is nothing in the squid.conf that I am aware of that would cause the logs to rotate and backup Where is this coming from? Or would I just be better off changing the cron.daily to run earlier than the last date on the .log.1 file or changing cron.hourly to run later? The cron.hourly is set to run at 17 past each hour but this folder is empty and runs whatever is in the crontab!
There may be a system process rotating outside squid. Either by rotating them itself (along with squid.conf "logfile_rotate 0") or by calling "squid -k rotate".
Amos -- Please use Squid 2.7.STABLE3 or 3.0.STABLE8