I noticed that in the late hours (by night) when the traffic is very
low, the amount of memory used by squid is very high, almost 2-2.5 times
bigger compared to the amount of RAM used when the traffic to the squid
is higher.
cache_dir aufs /cache1 138000 16 256
cache_dir aufs /cache2 138000 16 256
cache_dir aufs /cache3 138000 16 256
cache_mem 512 MB
We have 4 SCSI HDD's 1 for the system and 3 other for caching (135GB
each at 15000 rpm formated with reiserfs), also we have 16GB of RAM,
and in normal traffic the RAM utilization is: 4.57 GB.
We see that we averagely can save 18% of our total traffic (Highest: 7.5
Mbit of 35 Mbit) and this server has been running for 1 week (Now the
disks are full).
How is it possible that the RAM gets more occupied when there isn't
traffic? Also are our savings ok (18%)? Do you recommend any tuning options?
Thank You!