On ons, 2008-05-28 at 10:40 +0200, Jean-Jacques ROUGET wrote: > Ok, thanks. > I've traced the network exchange between client and Squid. > Here is containing of http level, as shown by Wireshark: > > After the classical Syn, Syn/Ack, Ack: > > Frame #3) Client --> Squid > CONNECT www.rsync-test-site.com:873 HTTP/1.0\r\n Request Method: CONNECT Request URI: www.rsync-test-site.com:873 Request Version: HTTP/1.0 > Proxy-Authorization: Basic xxxxxxxxxxxx\r\n > Credentials: http://user:password There should be no http:// in the credentials.. Try setting the rsync proxy setting to just "user:password@host:port", not http://user... Regards Henrik